
Salvaging your Beauty Blender!

Thursday 30 April 2015

I love using the Beauty Blender. Ever since I bought one, it has become the staple (if not the only!) makeup tool I have to use everyday. It gives such a flawless, and perfect finish when applying foundation or BB cream. I simply love using it. 

So, as I live on a tropical island, weather conditions are really hot and humidity level is high. It so happened that last month I discovered a very ill beauty blender among my makeup stash. My beauty blended was mouldy. Yes girls.  My heart stopped. Literally. I paid a lot for this pink sponge, I am not yet satisfied from using it to the max, and it was already spoilt. A terrible moment, I know.

Next thing I know, I tossed the sponge back in the plastic container it came in, and it lay there almost forgotten. Until I eventually found a way to use this same sponge.

What did I do?

I simply started cutting off the bad parts. I know, that is like mutilation. Lol. I would have never thought of using scissors on ANY of my makeup brushes and sponge. I thought I might as well try something to salvage the beauty blender since the next best option would be to throw it away. I started cutting it and uncovered a fresh layer of clean sponge. Boy, was I ecstatic! Yay!  So, I continued with the delicate mini operation, and sure enough, the pink surface was restored.

I just wanted to share this with you people since we all know how much we love the beauty blender 
And its way of blending has remained unchanged. It blends as perfectly as before. 

After cutting off the bad parts, I plunged the sponge in a solution of Dettol and warm water, washed it well and left it to dry in the sun. I then started using it as before and I am so glad I did not throw it away. 

I would also like to point out that the mould that was formed was like tiny specks, spread across, and not big patches. It is now like a new sponge.

Below are home pictures of the salvaged BB :)

Damp Beauty Blender
Dry Beauty Blender
I can definitely use it now for few months before buying another one. 

Sure enough, my storage and brush cleaning habits have changed after this incident. I leave the sponge in the open for some days after washing, to ensure that it is dry to the core. As for my brushes, I clean them after each use, especially the face brushes!

Hope this little post helped you all!

And please, do share your experience with the beauty blender!

Lots of love,

1 comment:

  1. i had mouldy sponge and searched for a solution. thanks for this


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