
Waterproof mascara... Ouch?!

Friday 6 December 2013

Hey Guys!

Hope you are all doing great.

I am certainly enjoying and making the most out of each day! So, today I am going to share with you all a tip for removing mascara. I don't know, if like me, you love using waterproof mascara. But, let's admit it, we do have a hard time to remove all of that from our eyelashes!

My favourite mascara for the moment is the Maybelline Volum' Express Falsies mascara.

This mascara is just the best in the market in my opinion. It is very affordable and the quality is really good. This proves that you need not spend lots of bucks for high end mascara because this one totally beats many other high end brands. I use one coat on my eyelashes usually. I am really very satisfied with the results, my eyelashes look longer and thicker.  

This mascara is waterproof, which is great and not-so-great. Great, when you are walking down the street with eyelashes gorgeously coated with mascara and it starts raining... And voila! Your mascara sticks in its place. Yes ladies, no movement, nothing. That is just great!

Not-so-great, when you come home and have to remove your super mascara and after using eye makeup remover and other (safe) solutions, you realise that there is more mascara left on your eyelashes! This happens to all of us who use waterproof mascara. Well, I have come to find a very effective way of safely and gently removing all mascara... The secret is vaseline

This is really a all-in-one product. I use it for moisturising my knees' and elbow's skin as well as my lips. I use it on my eyelashes at night, and use it to remove a stuck ring... What not! 

So, to remove your mascara, first you take some vaseline between your fingers and rub it to warm the jelly up. This will make it more easy to work with. Next, you need to gingerly apply it on your eyelashes and massage it in. You need to be careful and not rip off your precious lashes. LOL. Also, take care that the product does not get into your eyes. Once this is done, remove makeup from the rest of your face while letting the Vaseline soften the mascara. Using a cotton ball, dab some makeup remover on it and apply it on your eyelashes in gentle sweeping motions. This will remove all the mascara from your eyelashes and they will be conditioned as well. Vaseline softens and makes mascara removing so much easier. 

Do you have any other trick to remove mascara? Please, do share! :)

Don't forget to love yourself! 

Much Love,


Hello December! Make my wishes come true! :)

Sunday 1 December 2013

Hey Guys! :)

Happy December! 

I so much love December. It's my favourite month. I love the feeling of excitement over festivities, shopping sprees, parties, family get-togethers, and yummy food ofcourse! 

And most important of all, it is the last month of the year and each day should be celebrated in a unique day according to me. So my December for this year started very nicely. Though I have the exams butterflies in my stomach >_< Yeah, I am in revision mode full time. I am currently away from office and though it is a super nice break, I have to fill in my days with revision. Soooo... these days I am revising my notes and preparing myself for the exams, eating and sleeping. LOL And it goes on and on. 

But I have nothing to complain... I love my life currently. Though I sometimes feel empty in the inside due to a recent heart-break (I'll not get into it...) but I am doing everything to heal, and I feel I'm slowly getting over that part.. I am so grateful for my life, for the people in it, for having such loving and caring mom and dad. I love them so much and my sisters... I am grateful for everything God blessed me with.. Even the not-so-kind experiences I have had in my life, since it helped me see clearly and it all made me stronger and wiser...

So, back to exams, I do feel tired with revision, and I escape from that, taking short breaks and I usually go to the Youtube realm :) hehe. I have always loved studying. Reading is among my favourite pastime; I enjoy reading a great book over a big cup of coffee :) 

My current craves are Christmas movies and cupcakes baking! And ofcourse scented candles. I am going to be downloading some once my exams are over so that I can spend the nights with some yummy cupcakes and hot coffee. Ahh, I feel better just thinking about that :) hehe

Aren't these cute and yummy? I am trying these soonish! 
What are your favourites pastime? And what are your December craves?

Thank you for stopping by :)

Talk to you soon.


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